In your quest for a beautiful, bright and healthy smile, you might end up needing to invest in braces to straighten teeth and achieve those #smilegoals. This is a smart decision that usually yields great results, but there may be some discomfort along the way. This is common after first getting braces and then again each time you come in for adjusting your orthodontic wires.
But the pain or discomfort is only temporary and can be easily managed. Here are seven tips to help anyone dealing with braces pain:
1. Ice Packs
Applying ice packs to sore areas or even eating ice cream or other cold food and drinks can help reduce braces pain and swelling in the affected area.
2. Massage
Massaging swollen gums with your fingers will help the tissue in the surrounding areas to relax, reduce pain, and make your braces a little more comfortable.
3. Gargling
If sores develop, as they do in some cases, you should consider gargling with warm saltwater for one minute. This will help ease the soreness and irritation.
4. Eat Softer Food
Avoiding hard and crunchy foods and opting for softer ones like yogurt, smoothies and mashed potatoes can also be helpful when dealing with braces pain.
5. Mouth Guard
Wearing a mouth guard can help protect the soft tissues of your mouth from the braces. This helps if your brackets start to cause you sores or discomfort in your mouth.
6. Heating Pad
Using a heating pad or a warm washcloth can help ease pain around your jaw. This makes sense if the pain becomes intense or you’ve not found much help with ice or cold foods.
7. Painkillers
If any of the above does not offer much help, you can consider over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen for braces pain relief. Be sure to speak with your dentist about dosage. You may especially feel some discomfort after your braces are adjusted; many patients find they only need painkillers immediately after adjustments.
Dealing with braces pain varies from one person to another. Some find it harder to deal with than others. Regardless, you should know that this is only temporary and it will subside with time. There may be some pain and discomfort along the way, but for your healthy and beautiful smile, everything will be worth it in the end!
Ready to make an appointment with Dr. Norman and the Dream Smile team? Call 425-366-8296 today.