Getting dental implants can be really beneficial to not just your smile, but also your oral health and tooth strength.
Over the years, dental implants have become the prime choice of many patients and dentists for tooth replacement.
This is mostly because of the major advantages of dental implants over most other tooth-replacement options; implants can help prevent the loss of more teeth, jawbone deterioration, cavities and gum diseases.
Perhaps your dentist has discussed getting implants with you, or maybe you’re just scouring the internet for valuable information about how to replace a lost tooth. Below are three indications that you may benefit greatly from a dental implant over any other type of tooth restoration:
Have you lost one or more teeth?
If you’ve lost a tooth or more than one tooth for any reason, getting a dental implant is probably your best shot at getting it replaced. It will support your oral health and ensure your jaw bone never begins to deteriorate.
Are you considering a dental bridge?
Just like the name, a dental bridge is meant to help you bridge the gap left by a missing tooth. The process involves placing an artificial tooth in between two healthy teeth, which then function as anchors for the dental bridge.
Compared to dental bridges, implants are sturdier and let you keep your natural tooth structure. They look and feel more natural. You’ll be able to smile, eat and talk with more confidence. Even better, the implants will last a very long time – in many cases, the rest of your life.
Do you wear dentures?
Perhaps you’re currently wearing dentures that sit on your gums. Unlike dental implants, these won’t prevent deterioration of your jawbone. Plus they can be uncomfortable and even painful. They make eating and talking challenging. They also do not support the health of the jawbone because they don’t replace the root of the tooth like an implant does. So, over time the jawbone will begin to deteriorate, which can cause premature aging of the face.
Implants are very similar to your natural teeth. They won’t slip and won’t require rigorous maintenance like dentures.
If you’re currently considering dental implants or some other tooth-replacement option, you may want to schedule a visit so we can discuss your options.
You can contact Dr. Norman and the team at 425-320-0979.