
5 Smart Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety

​About 20 percent of patients simply dread visiting the dentist, according to WebMD. As sad as this makes us (because we love helping our patients so much!), we understand. For many …

Find Out Why Some People Actually Love Going to the Dentist

​It may seem like everyone hates going to the dentist thanks to television shows and movies consistently portraying visits to the dentist as horrifying experiences. While some people genuinely do …

There’s No Reason to Fear the Dentist Anymore

According to dentist Dr. Amy Norman, sedation dentistry is a wonderful tool for both children and adults who have any anxiety about visiting the dentist. It’s easy, affordable and comfortable. …

Sedation Dentistry Eases Fears for All Ages

Research shows that approximately 15 percent of Americans avoid the dentist because of dental anxiety or phobia, and some experts believe the number is actually much higher. For those who …

When Dental Anxiety Becomes a Phobia

There’s a difference between being uncomfortable with the idea of visiting the dentist and deciding not to go until pain becomes unbearable. This is the line in the sand where …