Water, Wine and Oral Health

​Water is and always will be the best choice when it comes to beverages, not just for your oral health, but also for your overall health and well-being.

Still, there are lots of other beverages people often partake in on a daily basis, three of the most common ones being wine, soda and milk. Let’s talk about the effect of wine on your oral health in comparison to drinking plain water.

How Beneficial Is Water?

Water is soooo good for you, from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes!

What about when it comes to oral health? Water effectively increases the pH of the saliva, ultimately reducing its acidity. Less acidic saliva helps to neutralize the effects of highly acidic foods and drinks on the tooth enamel. So the acid attack that begins on teeth when you eat or drink something is neutralized much quicker when you drink water. And if you stay hydrated, it continues to have a good effect on your oral health.

Water will also flush away food residue and other particles of bacteria that promote plaque buildup. It helps you tackle dry mouth and helps dilute the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.

Is Wine Any Good? Maybe!

Who wouldn’t love to see more research showing us that wine isn’t as bad for us as people once thought and may actually be good for us!? Recent research has shown that red wine actually contains antioxidants that may help your teeth fight plaque-causing bacteria, by preventing this bacteria from sticking to your gum tissue.

A previous study has also revealed the possible role of red wine in preventing tooth loss as well as periodontal diseases. There are five main periodontal disease-causing bacteria strains in the mouth. Red wine effectively fights three of these!

Additionally, another study conducted in 2007 showed that both red and white wine can help prevent the proliferation of streptococci in the mouth. This type of bacteria is implicated in the development of dental cavities, sore throats and tooth decay.

So, does that mean you should be washing your mouth with wine in place of good ol’ water? In no way are we suggesting that. However, if you ever have to choose between a glass of your favorite soda and a glass of wine, perhaps you should consider the latter!

For more information on your general dental health, schedule a visit or contact Dr. Norman and the team at 425-320-0979.