OSA: Just Can’t Stand the CPAP Machine?

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is probably the most common sleep-related breathing disorder. The condition is characterized by repeated stops in an individual’s breathing while they are asleep, usually caused …

The Best-Kept Secret About Snoring

​Everyone hates snoring. The person snoring in their sleep hates it because they never truly get the rest they need, and the person trying to live with someone who snores …

Is Childhood Snoring a Sign of Something Serious?

The snoring habits of middle-aged men have been the subject of sitcoms and comedy skits for decades. In fact it may seem like adult males are the only ones who …

New Cannabis-Like Drug Could Help with Sleep Apnea

The first multi-site study conducted at Northwestern Medicine and the University of Illinois Chicago for a medication to treat obstructive sleep apnea was recently found to be safe and effective. …

Children Who Snore Could Have Sleep Apnea

Thanks to television sitcoms, when you picture someone who snores until the house shakes, you likely picture an overweight middle-aged man. For years this was the typical sleep apnea patient …

Snoring Isn’t Funny

Contrary to what every sitcom has tried to convince you, snoring isn’t a laughing matter. Why? Because snoring is a breathing disorder that’s on a spectrum. On one end of …