Gum Disease
Water, Wine and Oral Health
Water is and always will be the best choice when it comes to beverages, not just for your oral health, but also for your overall health and well-being. Still, there …
7 Surprising Reasons For Practicing Good Oral Hygiene
Brushing your teeth properly and regularly is essential for a healthy and happy smile. It’s pretty clear there are plenty of benefits to proper oral care, but there are a …
What Does Oral Health Have to Do with Blood Pressure?
If it seems like you’re reading more these days about different health conditions that can be traced back to oral health in some way, you are! More and more research …
No, Bleeding Gums Are NOT Normal!
If your gums are bleeding, you have gum disease. There’s no way to sugar coat it. You may be in the early stages of gum disease, which means the damage …
Large Study Links Severe Gum Disease and Cancer
A long-term study conducted by researchers from Tufts University, Health Sciences Campus in Massachusetts, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland and Kimmel Cancer Center in Pennsylvania shows …
The Harmful Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Gum Tissue
According to a report by the U.S. surgeon general in 2016, e-cigarettes are the most popular tobacco product among American youth. In fact, the use of these alternatives to cigarettes …