Oral Health and Hygiene

Sometimes Less Is More

​When it comes to antibiotics, less is more. Countless research has been done studying the effects of antibiotics both short term and long term, and we know that the use …

Why Spit Matters

​You probably don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about spit, or saliva. Unless, that is, you have experienced dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, or excessive saliva production. …

Teeth Beware: Pumpkin Spice Lattes Are Back

What is the most well-known sign that fall is coming these days? Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte! Even though the official start to fall isn’t until September 22, this year, Starbucks’ …

Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month

​Every year during the month of October, the American Dental Hygienists Association celebrates Dental Hygiene Month to help spread awareness about the importance of good oral hygiene and best practices …

September Is Pain Awareness Month: Don’t Ignore Tooth or Jaw Pain

​September is National Pain Awareness Month, which means it’s a great time to talk about an often overlooked but very common area where people experience pain: the jaw and teeth. …

The Importance of a Wheelchair-Accessible Dental Practice

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly one in five Americans suffers from some form of disability and 3.6 million people over the age of 15 use a wheelchair to …

Keep Teeth Healthy This School Year

​It’s August and back-to-school season is in full swing across the nation. Everyone is filling their shopping carts with markers, pencils and new backpacks. Parents are taking children to get …

Why Choose a Private Practice Over Corporate Dentistry?

​You’ve likely seen them popping up in every strip mall or shopping center around the nation. Big box, or corporate, dental practices that often share their names with popular trees, …

Get Rid of Bad Breath Fast!

​Halitosis, or bad breath, actually affects over 80 million people. It’s characterized by an unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth and is most often caused by bacteria in the …

8 Gross Facts That Would Make Anyone Want a Professional Teeth Cleaning ASAP

Our mouths are like tiny universes full of good and bad bacteria fighting at all times to take over. If you take good care of your teeth at home and …